
Parent Partnership

Over a number of years we have built upon our good practice in developing our partnerships with parents. This has culminated in improved information sharing of initiatives, reporting progress more regularly throughout the year and providing numerous opportunities for children to share their learning with their parents and family. We have also provided many learning opportunities thorough our Tea and Topics on a range of subjects, from E-Safety to Maths calculations.

Parents have already influenced a number of key policies such as Home learning and our curriculum vision. Whilst we are pleased with our communication and partnership with parents, we are always seeking ways we can improve, so we worked towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award which we achieved in 2018 in recognition of all the different ways we communicate with and involve parents in school life. We are currently working towards reassessment for this award. 

We will ask you periodically throughout the year for your views on key policies, developments and current practice so together we can create the best learning environment we can for Blean children. If you have any suggestions for improvements to the parent and school partnership, please do call in and see us or catch one of our Leading Parent Partnership Group members on the playground. The group is made up of school staff, parents and governors: Mrs Anna Todd (KS2 Lead), Mrs Lorraine Watson (EYFS Lead), Mr Andrew Martin (Governor and parent) and Ms Charlotte Hitchcock (parent). If you would like to take a more active role, we will welcome new members to the group.

At Blean, we seek every opportunity to collaborate with our parents to celebrate many special events, including:

  • Assemblies
  • Year 6 Leavers’ Prom
  • Sports Days
  • Summer & Christmas Fair
  • Cultural & Open Evening
  • STEM Week
  • Our Jubilee Celebration
  • Teddy Bear’s Picnic

and many, many more.

Parent View

To take part in the parent view survey please visit the Parent View website

PTFA Partnership

We are very fortunate at our school to have a PTFA that is and has been such an integral part of the school community for many years. In it’s time the PTFA have raised thousands of pounds, which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school in general.
But our PTFA is about much, much more than just fundraising.  The PTFA exists to provide closer links between home and school, and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.  It is fun too – just ask any of the PTFA committee members or helpers.  Obviously as in any organisation, there are times when it is more ‘challenging’, but with the continued support of parents and staff, our PTFA has always succeeded in its efforts.

Please contact us at:

Raise money for the PTFA while you shop

The easiest way to raise money for the school is to sign up with Easy Fundraising, you can raise money by shopping online with over 4,000 retailers. Once you have registered which takes 2 minutes all you have to do is log in to Easy Fundraising before you start shopping rather than direct with the retailers and they will donate money to the PTFA or Blean Primary School every time you shop and it won’t cost you a penny what could be easier and a great way to raise money for the children!

In partnership with Volunteers

If you wish to volunteer here at Blean Primary School, please complete the form below and return to 

Education Research Schools Partnership

Blean Primary School is proud to be part of the Education Research Schools Partnership (ERSP), a dynamic collaboration with schools in southeast England and Canterbury Christ Church University. This partnership focuses on embedding research-driven approaches within schools, empowering teachers to become active participants in educational research. Through workshops, conferences, and collaborative projects, Blean Primary School engages in research to enhance teaching practices, support professional growth, and drive innovation, all aimed at improving pupil outcomes and advancing the future of education. For more information please visit the Education Research Schools Partnership website.

Wilder Kent Award

The Wilder Kent Awards is a scheme set up to recognise and reward the work schools and community groups are doing in helping us create a #WilderKent. By taking positive actions to restore nature, they are helping to create a more climate-resilient county and provide a home for wildlife. Their action benefits us locally and helps tackle the global environmental threats we all face. For more information please visit the Kent Wildlife Trust website.